Après la tempête



Encore une photo de Roppongi Hills, vont dire certains. Et oui, j’ai vue sur cet immeuble depuis chez moi et je ne peux m’empêcher de le prendre en photo, surtout après une tempête d’anthologie comme celle qu’on vient d’essuyer aujourd’hui. C’était presque un thyphon, ou plutôt une pluie tropicale qui n’a durée que quelques heures pour laisser place à un soleil radieux. La lumiere se reverbant sur l’immeuble et la tourmente des nuages m’ont donné envie de poster cette photo.

A part ça, Très mauvais démarrage de journée hier: la moto est en panne, enfin pas vraiment, seulement l’ABS qui ne s’initialise pas. La moto démarre, mais la puissance de freinage est diminuée de 50% ou plus. Ca va faire plus d’1 an et plus de 10,000 kms et c’est le premier pépin qui m’arrive (si on décompte la fois ou un vandale avait essayé de me la voler à Omotesando)… Je me sens un peu tout nu sans moto… Il va falloir attendre mercredi que le dépannage soit terminé.

Conséquence de tout cela, je me suis acheté un vélo. Celui de Mari devrait suivre prochainement. L’idée du vélo, ce n’est pas à cause de la panne, c’était longuement réfléchi, un peu de sport (non mécanique) ne fait pas de mal.

Un peu d’originalité: Yamaha MT03

Yamaha_MT03.jpgLe site Moto-Station, référence en matière de presse Internet Moto, présente cette semaine un Concept Bike Yamaha, la Yamaha MT03 , fort intéressant. Pas tellement niveau originalité technique (Monocylindre XT660, transmission courroie, …) mais plus par une esthétique alléchante. Regardez plutôt la photo. Une bien belle moto sur les traces de la BMW Scarver de cylindrée similaire. Assez heureux quand même de voir les compagnies motardes japonaises montrer un peu d’originalité esthétique … Espérons que le concept passe à la réalité prochainement.

Egalement, notre marque chérie française Voxan repart avec le vent en poupe avec 2 nouveaux modèles. A voir.


I posted my entry on the 26things website: « International Photographic Scavenger Hunt » at the following location: My 26things (Entry 459 – details below). I’m done with the posting of images, maybe not fully done with the design of the pages themselves. I was a bit in a hurry as I wanted to add my page before the end of the hunt, seemingly scheduled End of August. That was an interesting exercise, and a way to post in one page some of the pictures I like the most (mainly from Japan and Morocco).

26things: International Photographic Scavenger Hunt, était un projet proposé par le site sh1ft.org. Il s’agissait de regrouper une série de 26 photos répondant à un thême défini à l’avance par l’organisatrice Tracey, basée en Australie. Un exercice interessant qui m’a donné l’occasion de réunir sur une page les photos que je préfère. Les photos ont été principalement prises au Japon et au Maroc.

01- Animal: Tokyo, Azabu, 2003. Eddie’s cat during her summer holidays at Home. Cats are seemingly spending their time searching for something to attract their eyes.

02- Sunset: Sydney-Tokyo, Plane, 2001. Somewhere on my way back from Sydney to Tokyo.

03- Authority: Hong Kong, Central, 2002. Street sign as seen from my hotel room.

04- Colour: Tokyo, Azabu-Juuban, 2003. A hell-like red light. Emergency exit’s light on a rainy day. One of those days I feel like walking around with my camera.

05- Communication: Tokyo, Azabu, 2002.

06- Construction: Tokyo, Roppongi Hills, 2003. The Building I witnessed growing into a sophisticated monster.

07- Empty: Tokyo, Aoyama Cimetery, 2002.

08- Food: Morocco, Marrakech, 2003. Memorable Tajin.

09- Footwear: Tokyo, Nishi-Azabu, 2001. Red « Pika-pika » Nike Shoes, used mainly while riding a bike (NIKE ZOOM HYPERFLIGHT).

10- Home: Tokyo, Nishi Azabu, 2002. Element of decoration from Malaysia.

11- Light: Morocco, Marrakech, 2003. Feeric light from an Moroccan lamp. Located next to the restaurant room of the Tischka Salam hotel at Gueliz (new city of Marrakech). A summary of the surrounding colors of magic Marrakech.

12- Little things: Tokyo, Azabu, 2003. 2 malicious chouettes. Made in Shizuoka by my fianc馥痴 grand mother. I like their shyness, pretending not to be seen, and wondering why they are seen.

13- Love: Aizu, Wakamatsu, 2002.

14- Money: Tokyo, Azabu, 2003. Some notes kept from previous travels and especially the Hong Kong ones. Lion is my astrological sign, the HK Twenty Dollars is naturally my preferred one.

15- Monument: Morocco, Marrakech, 2003. « Musee de Marrakech ». The inside architecture of the museum is an artwork itself. Unforgettable moments in the central room of the museum, surrounded by a sunny yellow light. I could spend days there if hot mint tea was offered.

16- New: Tokyo, Omotesando, 2003. The brand new Prada shop designed by Jacques Herzog & Pierre de Meuron, Switzerland.

17- Numbers: Great Britain, London, 2002. Street number next to the TATE Museum. Picture was actually taken by Mari Chan on our way to the museum.

18- Scape: Tokyo, Shinjuku, 2002. A shiny day in Shinjuku, next to the Tokyo Ward Office. There is something so fascinating about this building that I’m coming again and again to take pictures of it. Maybe a modern similarity with the Paris’ Notre Dame.

19- Signage: Morocco, Marrakech, 2003. Inside the Marrakech Museum, next to some old Hammam rooms.

20- Sound; Tokyo, Azabu, 2003. Keyboard as seen on TV. Long exposure reveals one of the faces of Run DMC. I’m far from being a fan of this band, but was intrigued by one of its members’ voice during one interview on MTV Japan.

21- Symetry: Tokyo, Yoga, 2003. Soccer ball waiting for an inspired player. I am joining from time to time the South American-japanese Team matador. Level is quite high, and it’s quite rare to find a quiet ball like this one.

22- Time: Tokyo, Azabu, 2003. A clock bought in Daikanyama. Time is running to fast, already more than four years in Japan.

23- Transport: Tokyo, Harajuku, 2003. Meeting of two Japan Airways trains (Yamanote Line).

24- Water: France, Noirmoitier, 2003.

25- Weather: Tokyo, Azabu, 2003. View of my umbrella on a rainy day.

26- You: Me in Marrakech with the camera.

スペシャル キャンペーン 2

cb400-lolo.jpg Finally, Lolo is the happy owner of a brand new CB 400cc, after a long time awaited success at the motorbike license test, Choosing the bike was not long, as anyway the tradition is to start with a CB400. Red was obvious as well as it’s the color which best suits the jacket.

As you can see on the picture, Lolo is a new kind of gentleman biker…

Lolo, don’t forget to thank all your supporters and sponsors.

Reference: Previous Entry
Picture: Copyright – Pierre MERLE

スペシャル キャンペーン


« Lolo, t’es bo en moto » (approximative translation: Lolo is great on a bike) Special Campaign. Look at the picture on your left, Lolo is born to be wild on a bike, no??? YES.

What we want: Lolo to pass his motorbike license (400cc will do);

When: ASAP

Why: We want Lolo to come touring with us. Second reason: Lolo is great on a bike (already said before).

How You can help him (and Us): Add a comment , add one of the numerous reason Lolo should pass his license and buy a long-touring-able-bike, Help us to convince him with your deepest help…. Any suggestions for Lolo’s new bike are also mostly welcomed.

How You can help him (and Us) More: Ask your friends to add a word. Any donations are also welcomed …