Just a small change in the Links page with a new picture and new layout. That’s all.
Catégorie : Tokyo
Tokyo en photos
Update of 12 March 2002
Version 2.0 … done, or almost done. I still need to find a good and easy way to navigate between pages. The website is maybe a bit heavy to load, but let’s consider everybody is accessing this site through ADSL, or using the office connection (not recommended). Let me know your feeling through the guestbook or mail… Mainly, for those who are too lazy to go through all pages, you can concentrate on the Pictures pages, page 4 is brand new, and the Special page with a new present on page 3 from my cousin Mickael.
Kao&Noriko no tanjoubi party
Kao san and Noriko san’s birthday party at home … January 26th 2002 from 7PM to 8AM!!! Don’t ask my it was at home, I don’t really know myself. Once again, it was a lot of fun… but a disaster to clean the next day. Thanks to Eddie for taking almost all the pictures here.
Update of 10 November 2001
Here is the version 2.0 of the website, in line with the others pages I created previously. The pages may be long to download depending on your Internet connection… Apart from that, I finally got my motorbike license and got my bike (Honda CB400) which I enjoy riding on the storm.
Pierre & Fred no tanjoubi Party
Pierre and I celebrating our birthday, End of August 2001: 33h for Pierre, 25th for me. Very nice party I enjoyed a lot, with a lot of wine (on the floor), lot of people coming, lot of iota cakes, lot of heat, … Thanks All for coming and Special thanks to Eddie for the pictures.